His Crazy Feet- Make the Spock sign with your hands. That's what his toes are like. 3 fingers fused together on one side, 2 on the other- they look like muppet alien hands, and they stick to things and grab things and move all around.
His Disgusting, Amazing Feeding Spectacle- Rocket Tongue! As recorded in this random pic my wife found online! Disgusting! Amazing!

His Monkey Tail- He grabs stuff with it, hangs from it, stands on it when he's aiming for a cricket (Disgusting! Amazing!), and when he sleeps he curls it up into a perfect spiral like a spring fiddlehead.
His Swivelling Eyes- Both eyes are mounted on these bulging telescope cones that move around independently. He'll look at me behind him and my wife in front of him at the same time. The eyes are the windows to the chameleon soul apparently. If he's dehydrated the cones will sink into his head, apparently. If you use the wrong kind of light bulb it might damage the delicate genius' eyesight apparently. If he looks like he's sleeping in the daytime when his lamps are still on, eyes closed and still, there's probably something very, very wrong with him, apparently. They move around all day, almost never fixed on the same thing at the same time. Swivel, swivel, swivel, swivel.
He Loves The Bangles- He walks like an egyptian.
1 comment:
freaken fascinating!!
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